Forestry Research

Forest Service – To extend fundamental research activities of the Forest Service by awarding grants to nonprofit organizations, institutions of higher education, and organizations engaged in renewable resources research….

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation

Forest Service – Created by Congress in 1984, NFWF directs public conservation dollars to the most pressing environmental needs and matches those investments with private funds. The Foundation s method is simple and effective: to work with a full co…

Schools and Roads – Grants to Counties

Forest Service – To share receipts from the National Grasslands and Land Utilization Projects (LUP) with the Counties in which the National Grasslands and LUP”s are situated….

Recovery Act of 2009: Wildland Fire Management

Forest Service – Hazardous fuels reduction, forest health protection, rehabilitation and hazard mitigation activities on Federal lands, and State and private forestry activities including hazardous fuels reduction, forest health and ecosystem improv…

Forest Land Enhancement Program

Forest Service – With respect to the sustainable management of nonindustrial private forest and other rural lands suitable for sustainable forest management; provide technical and educational assistance; provide cost share for practices such as mana…