Veterans State Nursing Home Care

VA Health Administration Center – To provide financial assistance to States furnishing nursing home care to eligible veterans in State Veterans’ Homes which meet the standards prescribed by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs….

Veterans Prosthetic Appliances

VA Health Administration Center – To provide, through purchase and/or fabrication, prosthetic and related appliances, equipment and services to eligible veterans so that they may live and work as productive citizens….

Blind Rehabilitation Centers

VA Health Administration Center – To provide personal and social adjustment programs and medical or health-related services for eligible blinded veterans at selected VA Medical Centers maintaining blind rehabilitation centers….

Veterans Domiciliary Care

VA Health Administration Center – To provide the least intensive level of inpatient care for ambulatory veterans disabled by age or illness who are not in need of more acute hospitalization and who do not need the skilled nursing services provided i…

VA Supportive Services for Veteran Families Program

VA Health Administration Center – To provide supportive services grants to private non-profit organizations and consumer cooperatives who will coordinate or provide supportive services to very low-income Veteran families who: (i) are residing in per…